Since I last wrote about horses, not much has changed. I continue to not think very much about horses, despite parading around with my “Horse” in the title of this blog. I did have the opportunity to visit with some horses while I was back on the east coast, and I can tell you they continue to be much bigger than me. Or at least most of them are.
On the way to the east coast I watched the movie “Sleepless in Seattle.” Have you seen it? I hadn’t. It is without question the perfect movie to watch on a flight from Seattle to New York, which is probably why it’s part of the Alaska Airlines catalogue. There isn’t much to it, and it’s not a very good movie if you stop and think about it, but up in the air while you’re wedged in a little seat and having all those big sweeping feelings that flying brings on, it’s perfect: there’s enough of a plot thread to hang on to, some jokes, and the escapism of getting an idealized glimpse of the world as it used to be in 1993.
I realize I’ve strayed from the topic. It’s hard, you know, writing a blog about something you have no opinions about. This movie does in fact mention horses, at least four or five times in twenty seconds:
On the return trip I got off the train at Penn Station and exited to find myself smack in the center of crowds of hardcore Trump fans, all super hyped to attend the rally at the (I realized moments later) next-door Madison Square Garden. What lucky timing! Entire streets were blocked off and I took multiple detours to get across town to my usual stopover-in-NYC Chinese food place.
These people were not just wearing red hats, but entire red suits! I got the feeling that a lot of them had traveled pretty far to be there, and were living it up one night only in the big city. And in the midst of them were the rest of us, just trying to get from A to B and probably feeling somewhere between bemused and a little freaked out.
At some point I jotted down some of what I was seeing/hearing:
Of all the times I have been to New York, the vibes were the most off on this trip. I mean, understandably so. It’s not often that your city gets invaded, partially from within, by so much evil and so much crazy.
Whoops. I’ve stumbled into politics somehow, and I really only meant to tell you what I think about horses.
I didn’t see any horses in NYC. Not even a single mounted policeman. I also, like usual, wasn’t thinking about horses very much (at all).
On the flight back I gave a couple of stupid action movies a shot. That’s usually what I like to do on airplanes: watch something incredibly stupid with lots of chase scenes and let the adrenaline override any feelings of discomfort I might be having.
Unfortunately my picks were just awful. I made it through Constantine, the movie where Keanu Reeves bravely tries to act the part of an exorcist who’s also an asshole, and just isn’t very convincing as either. I looked this one up later to see what the big deal was, and I guess it has a bit of a cult following now based entirely around how sexy everyone in the movie is.
Then I gave TENET a go, which… I should have known better. It’s the butt of a joke in the very silly A Spy Movie, which is something you actually should check out. Christopher Nolan had the great idea that instead of writing an actual movie with actual characters, he could just make the protagonist (who is named The Protagonist) a completely blank slate of a character with no traits, personality, or motivations, and the audience wouldn’t care as long as the action scenes were good. Unfortunately this shocking gambit to phone it in 100% did not pay off and the movie is truly terrible, I didn’t get through it.
So there’s some media that I wouldn’t recommend. Seems like I’m starting to orbit back towards being a blogger who writes about media. I am, however continuing to orbit away from horses.
Amy and I missed our connection in Seattle and so we were put up in an airport hotel. We arose at 7:30 to sirens outside—but not like, police sirens. We went outside to board the shuttle and a crowd of protesters were yelling—at us? What were they yelling about? We couldn’t make the words out.
On board the shuttle, someone asked about the protest. The hotel workers were striking for higher wages. Someone asked the driver if he was breaking the strike by working. He said he didn’t get the text that they were gathering today. A few minutes later we were on the way to the airport and talking about the beautiful sunrise.
So now I’m back on the west coast. No horses. Verboten’s album release show is next weekend, and so I’m not sure if I’ll be truly back on my content game by then, so I make no promises other than something will be posted here. Maybe even something whose title actually matches the content inside.